traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Joan of Arc's Articles » Page 3
March 26, 2004 by Joan of Arc
I’m not psychotic, at least I don’t think so and no one has suggested such recently. The responses from my last blog, “why do people blog”, has started my wheels turning regarding the nature of the relationships that develop on line (and quite frankly, I didn’t want to title my article something about internet relationships because I could feel everyone yawning). Ever since I first felt the “internet pull”, the emotional attraction, towards someone I didn’t know-------- (another short...
March 25, 2004 by Joan of Arc
The reason this question intrigues me is that I have noticed a deep comradery among many of the members of Joeuser. Is this unusual? I have not blogged much at all (in fact, this is my first blog post), but the dynamics of the joeuser group a family it seems. Some members are very parental (both maternal and paternal), some are children (both brothers and sisters), some are comedians, some are totally obnoxious, and some are totally outrageous. So why would we come ...
March 24, 2004 by Joan of Arc
In my generation, I can’t believe I am using this phrase in respect to yours truly, we went to the store and bought things. We had come out of the “order from the catalog” era and having super stores, prided ourselves on the ability to have available any item our little hearts desired. As with all seasons, we have moved on.Now we shop on line and you can literally buy anything. Clothing, groceries, real estate, sporting goods, electronics, services–you name it you can buy it. So little b...
March 22, 2004 by Joan of Arc
My seventeen year old son is really quite a fine young man. He hasn’t gotten into any major trouble but then, he isn’t perfect. Trouble with being were he is supposed to be when he’s supposed to be there, keeping curfew, remembering to call us to tell us where he is, are just of few of his minor besetting sins. This past weekend he went to a retreat. We had a chat before he went and I was very clear that I wanted him to let us know where he was going afterward on Saturday. He assured m...
March 21, 2004 by Joan of Arc
The verbal rocks have been flinging back and forth from one camp to the next regarding various forms of behavior and lifestyles. Some have valid points but serve them in multiple wraps of guilt, hatred and condemnation. Others offer their ideas presenting their offerings in a civil manner. And still others have no idea, do not care and seem to be the vocal representation of foolishness. What ever group you feel you represent, and I am not presuming to have suggested all the possibilities,...
March 19, 2004 by Joan of Arc
A Liberating Realization When I got the mail today there was a letter of acceptance to kindergarten for my youngest child, Tori. It was then that I had a most wonderful and liberating realization. In just a few months a I will be at home all day long with no children for the first time in 20 years! I think part of the reason it is so significant to me is because as a teenager and young adult I squandered my freedom on a veraciously pursued addiction to drugs and, having been rescued f...
March 18, 2004 by Joan of Arc
With the opening of Mel Gibson’s The Passion, I was wondering, where all the Christians–followers of Christ that is-- were. I saw Jesus, a man with a purpose, submit himself to torture and a brutal death, aided by his loved ones, murdered by the religious leaders--all for --love? As far as I can see, Jesus threatened the power and position of the religious authorities and they framed him to save themselves. Curious for a group of folks who were supposedly waiting for their messiah to save...
March 15, 2004 by Joan of Arc
Two people want to express their love and devotion to each other by making a commitment via public ceremony-----what is the problem? Why won’t states allow gay men and woman to marry? The answer may be more of a can of worms than anybody really wants to admit. The problem is that if you are gay, under our current law, you could not quality for marriage any more than a girl could qualify for a bar-mitzvah. Don’t hang up on me, let me explain. Our civil laws and definitions regarding marr...