traditional thought with a contemporary twist
A neutral look at a volatile subject.
Published on March 15, 2004 By Joan of Arc In Current Events
Two people want to express their love and devotion to each other by making a commitment via public ceremony-----what is the problem? Why won’t states allow gay men and woman to marry? The answer may be more of a can of worms than anybody really wants to admit.

The problem is that if you are gay, under our current law, you could not quality for marriage any more than a girl could qualify for a bar-mitzvah. Don’t hang up on me, let me explain. Our civil laws and definitions regarding marriage were founded by individuals who held to morals founded in the Judeo Christian ethic. Consequently, marriage is a primarily religious institution that was secularized for civil sake but has retained it’s original definition. –one man and one woman committing to one another.

The question therefore becomes a moral issue. How will society define marriage, and I submit that since society was not the author, society cannot rewrite it’s definition.

Other countries, in which gay men and woman have been allowed to unite legally do so under civil union laws. Those countries do not have the same moral foundation of government we do and therefore are not constrained by moral issues. I suggest that the American people need to decide where they are coming from and take a stand. If in fact we are no longer a “Christian “ nation, then we need to stop imposing morality on everyone. However, if we find that our civil principles are the most accurate representation of who we are, then we need to quit apologizing for what we believe. At a time when tolerance has become the doctrine of the people–American’s need to stand for something!

on Mar 15, 2004
This is something that Americans won't do. We will debate the issue backwards and forwards but we won't claim to have a particular heritage. Even if we did, it wouldn't determine our morality. Look at the rules for child abuse. They are different according to every social worker. The only clear indication of an abused infant is if it has drugs in its system when it is born. Why choose that one? Because it is something we can prove with a scientific test.
on Mar 15, 2004
Amazing how this issue came up in an election year.................
on Mar 15, 2004
If in fact we are no longer a “Christian “ nation, then we need to stop imposing morality on everyone.

..and take 'In God we trust' off the currenty, and reshape the legal system so it's no longer founded on Biblical do's and dont's...basically, the country would have to literally start all over.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you...but this country is predominantly mono-theistic and some things just aint gonna happen.
on Mar 15, 2004
If in fact we are no longer a “Christian “ nation, then we need to stop imposing morality on everyone.

..and take 'In God we trust' off the currenty, and reshape the legal system so it's no longer founded on Biblical do's and dont's...basically, the country would have to literally start all over.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you...but this country is predominantly mono-theistic and some things just aint gonna happen.
on Mar 15, 2004
Amazing how this issue came up in an election year.................

I can't imagine why. Probably just coincidence. Dharmagrl, agreed.

on Mar 15, 2004
We will debate the issue backwards and forwards but we won't claim to have a particular heritage

Exactly! Because our heritage is politically incorrect and might actually make us accountable for or to something. You know, what is amazing is that the reason we have such a diverse nation is because of the "freedom " mentality that came as a direct result of the heritage, but those who have been raised in it and have benefited by it do not respect it. They have prioritized their individual rights over the good of the society and things are crumbling------sounds like the makings of another article to me!
on Mar 15, 2004
..and take 'In God we trust' off the currenty, and reshape the legal system so it's no longer founded on Biblical do's and dont's...basically, the country would have to literally start all over.

yes--a fact few want to acknowledge