traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Joan of Arc's Articles In Blogging
March 25, 2004 by Joan of Arc
The reason this question intrigues me is that I have noticed a deep comradery among many of the members of Joeuser. Is this unusual? I have not blogged much at all (in fact, this is my first blog post), but the dynamics of the joeuser group a family it seems. Some members are very parental (both maternal and paternal), some are children (both brothers and sisters), some are comedians, some are totally obnoxious, and some are totally outrageous. So why would we come ...
March 26, 2004 by Joan of Arc
I’m not psychotic, at least I don’t think so and no one has suggested such recently. The responses from my last blog, “why do people blog”, has started my wheels turning regarding the nature of the relationships that develop on line (and quite frankly, I didn’t want to title my article something about internet relationships because I could feel everyone yawning). Ever since I first felt the “internet pull”, the emotional attraction, towards someone I didn’t know-------- (another short...
June 22, 2004 by Joan of Arc
I think it is time to formally admit that I am no longer a Joeuser. This is a sad occasion. I enjoyed immensely the time I spent at JU, but I havn't visited for several weeks now, and when I thought about checking in tonight, realized that I’d rather be doing other things. When the realization hit me that it could be a good long time before I visited, and certainly before I contributed, it seemed only right to say adios, and it has been a fine 2 weeks of summer camp (so to speak). As sl...
April 9, 2004 by Joan of Arc
Some of you are aware of my struggle to find significance through making little yellow boxes around the quoted material in my blog responses. Now I’m not sure if everybody knew how to do that, or just neglected to tell me, but I have the answer. Drum roll....... You just enter the articles through the forum, that’s it. Since finding this out, I may have overdone my little yellow boxes, but that’s to be expected. Wishing you all the same surge of significance that I have felt....