traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Published on March 18, 2004 By Joan of Arc In Religion
With the opening of Mel Gibson’s The Passion, I was wondering, where all the Christians–followers of Christ that is-- were. I saw Jesus, a man with a purpose, submit himself to torture and a brutal death, aided by his loved ones, murdered by the religious leaders--all for --love?
As far as I can see, Jesus threatened the power and position of the religious authorities and they framed him to save themselves. Curious for a group of folks who were supposedly waiting for their messiah to save them. They were corrupt, bigoted and played on the emotions of the public by making sensational accusations. Sound familiar?**ABORTION**HOMOSEXUALITY**ADDICITON**ETC ETC ETC

Where is this love that Jesus told his followers to display? At church? Do they keep it in a box? Who is it reserved for because it seems that Christians alienate anyone who doesn’t happen to fit into what ever brand of cookie cutter mold they’ve chosen for themselves. They can’t even agree on what the mold should look like. Is it any wonder that Christianity is being rejected in this country? Bigotry and prejudice run rampant in the church. Rules and regulations have displaced relationship with God and others. Judgement and condemnation have replaced grace and mercy and if that isn’t enough, sinners are no longer welcome.

So what's the deal--where IS the love?


on Mar 18, 2004
My experience> There is nolove except for one another. If your with a different church, they try to bring you to theirs, if you practice a different religion, they try to convert you...just like most other religions. Most religions or factions I have encountered believe theirs is the right one and the only one.
Don't we live in America, the right to religious freedom? Only if your Christian, Catholic, or Mormon just to name a few, I have known to act this way.
There is no love.
on Mar 21, 2004
We're all going to die. Alone. In the rain.

Crazy Lady sounds like Hemingway. But maybe she's right.

on May 01, 2006
this is a passion that I can't shake. It has changed the way I view everything and oddly enough I, at times have felt a stranger in my own church. However, I have been challenge to live this -and it is not as easy as it seems. Especially when it comes to people you used to give yourself the luxery of not liking which was really a cover for despising. How about loving your enemies--that sure is an interesting pursuit.
No wonder Jesus left only 2 commands--love God, love others--they are a pursuit to last a lifetime