traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Published on March 24, 2004 By Joan of Arc In Internet
In my generation, I can’t believe I am using this phrase in respect to yours truly, we went to the store and bought things. We had come out of the “order from the catalog” era and having super stores, prided ourselves on the ability to have available any item our little hearts desired. As with all seasons, we have moved on. Now we shop on line and you can literally buy anything. Clothing, groceries, real estate, sporting goods, electronics, services–you name it you can buy it. So little by little we have gotten into the online marketplace groove. Books are cheaper at; we have bought and sold all kinds of things on e-bay–even made a few bucks but right now I am in the midst of either the most courageous or craziest venture of my online buying career. I have purchased 3 Morgan horses on line. Why is this crazy (or courageous)? Well I suppose it is my conventional wisdom cropping up which suggests such a thing. I have sent $----.-- (that many figures) to someone I don't know, in another country, for animals that I have only seen on a video, whose references came on line and now I am waiting for them to come. That is I am waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting..........................What motivated me to do such a thing will come in the form of another blog entitled “When Dreams Come True” or “When Dreams are Dashed”. Tune in for the exciting conclusion but in the mean time, have you made any daring purchases lately?
on Mar 24, 2004
I bought a girl a coffee. That's more courageous than one might think.

on Mar 25, 2004
wow! it's a wonder that it wasn't cold when she got it!
on Mar 25, 2004
i bought a horse trailer recently... i found it online, and then drove to see it. It looked like a good deal, so I bought it.

Then I took it out to where I board my horse, and loaded her in it. It was only then that I realized that my 3300 dollar horse trailer was a little on the short side (length not heighth)... my horse will fit in there, but she definitely doesn't have any room to move at all. I'm still not totally convinced that it's 100% safe for her to ride in, so I'm kinda nervous about taking her anywhere in it...

still not sure exactly what to do about this... :-/
on Mar 25, 2004
My sympathies go out to you. I am hoping that I will not be responting in kind. Just how short is it. Is there a place to tie around the rear end? I don't really think you need much room as long as she is secured in front and the back closes.
on Mar 25, 2004
i don't have time to do it now, but i'll send pics if i get a chance...

short of that, i'll try to explain. Her body takes up all the room between the front of the trailer and the butt bar. I have to get her to squeeze forward as far as she can in order to get the bar hooked up. there's a 'box' (for lack of a better way to put it) that she has to put her head in at the front. My big concern is if I have to stop quickly. I'm afraid that her front end (chest? breast?) will hit that wall in front of her and possibly injure her.

i'm gonna have someone drive, and i'm going to ride in the trailer with her to see how she reacts. that should give me a good idea about what she thinks of it...
on Mar 25, 2004
...and if the driver stops suddenly and drives your front end into the wall in front of you?

on Mar 25, 2004
that's a chance that i'll just have to take Dan...

it's a sacrifice that i'm willing to make in order to make sure that my horse is going to be comfortable and safe
on Mar 26, 2004
If you bought them from a credible source, I wouldn't have too much fear, even if it's in another country, but it's true that even those can sometimes be unreliable. I recently bought an iPod from eBay and even though it seems to be a good reliable source, I'm still worried that it's going to have problems. It definitely takes courage. The worst that could happen though is that you're out $---.--, which is replaceable. It's worth the risk sometimes.
on Mar 26, 2004
my sentiments super
on Mar 26, 2004
how about a think pad hung over that front wall as a "just in case' measure
on Mar 26, 2004
or a thick one is she doesn't think much
on Mar 27, 2004
"The worst that could happen though is that you're out $---.--, which is replaceable"

Replacable to you, maybe

"or a thick one is she doesn't think much"

