I have come back as Joan after many years to write from this platform because of the division and brewing anarchy in our nation. I chose Joan of Arc years ago as my alias because she was unwavering in commitment, courageous in perseverance, and sacrificed unto death for a cause. As a Christian I am desirous that I will be unwavering in my commitment to Christ, courageous in the persevering through ...
Time stops for no one. Time flies. Time crawled by. Time stood still. I was changing the sheets on our bed a couple days ago (which I have to say I very rarely do–my dear wife is the regular changer) when I was startled by how old our new mattress looked. I remember buying that mattress like it was yesterday. We sprung for a good one–wanted something that would hold up for a lot of years without sagging, so we bought the nice mattress with the matching box spring. As I stood there lo...
About 6 years ago, the Air force Academy decided to include a new required curriculum in their cadet’s academic schedule-Integrity 101 (not the actual course title). When asked why the course was added to this elite institution’s curriculum, a spokes person replied that a high percentage of their cadets were no longer receiving the basic moral training at home which produced honesty, integrity and a sense of loyalty in individuals. Academy authorities felt it was paramount, in order for c...
Webster’s defines feminism as the “principle that women should have political, economic and social rights that are equal to those of men”. I would like to express my views regarding this subject as I am a feminist in the truest sense of the word, however, I believe that feminism has become twisted and tainted by special interest parties and the results have been devastating to our gender. Historically, feminism was a fire that burned in the hearts of devout Christian woman who, because of...