traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Published on November 7, 2005 By Joan of Arc In Humor
I am at the ripe young age of 44 and the most unbelievable thing has happened: My oldest daughter has had a son. Now you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what this means for me—that’s right, GRANNNNNNDMA! Holy Cow! Not only am I going through a private mid-life-holy-heck but it seems like everyone I know is getting a real charge out of my new station in life.
How is this occurring? Well, let me tell you. Just about every one I see since the baby’s been born gets that sneer on their otherwise friendly face and utters the following greeting “Hi Grandma” or “Hi Granny”. GRANNY????? What do you mean GRANNY?!!! She’s that old crotchety gal on the Beverly Hillbillies!
Another question I have been asked innumerably is “What is the baby going to call you?” How am I supposed to know! Probably not by my first name, that ‘s about as far as I’ve gotten.
Come on---there must be some graceful way to enter grand parenthood without everyone making fun of you but I have yet to find what it is.
One last thing—my grandson…………….He’s the Best.

on Nov 07, 2005
Congrats! Just think of what a utter cool Gran you will be--you will be young enough to have loads of precious moments with your grandbaby, and he will most likely adore you to bits.

I wouldn't worry about the sneer-ers--they are just jealous
on Nov 07, 2005
You're the prettiest Grandma I know!


on Nov 07, 2005
My mother-in-law was the same she tried on all monikers Nana Val, Nonna, Granny (I veetoed that for the same reason you did) Grandma and finally after almost 2years she settled on Gran.
My mother (Nana) and mother in law (Gran) were both 44 when my daughter was born in December 2003.

Everyone but my mother refused to decide what they wanted to be called saying he/she will call me what they want but they never seemed to get that children take their cues from their surroundings so I forced them to make the decison and we have Na-na (Nana), gran, papa (grandpa) and babop (pop)

Congratulations on being a grandparent you get all the perks and then you get to hand them back to their parents for the hard stuff (if you want)
on Nov 08, 2005
My goodness, I never knew there were so many to choose from. I appreciate the point you made that children take their cues from those around them. i guess I had better decide. Thanks for your comment
on Nov 08, 2005
hehe... I had a little song I wrote at age 30 that I used until May of this year called "Too old to be a Rockstar, too Young to be the President". I know how you feel, now that I AM old enough to be President...hehehe.
on Nov 09, 2005

I think having a grandchild at the closing of your first mid-life crisis (which I did survive by the way) is in some ways a chuckle from God.

Thanks for giving me a new perspective--I am surly too young to be the president however, with Mick Jagger still kicking I think I might be in the running for Rock Star

on Mar 01, 2006

She’s that old crotchety gal on the Beverly Hillbillies!

No that was me.

Oh, and since when do northern, educated folks say "crotchety gal"?



on Dec 25, 2006

just read this trin--very funny
