traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Why who wins makes no difference
Published on October 4, 2004 By Joan of Arc In Politics
Kerry clearly won the first debate. One down, two to go. If he wins all three, he is certainly the better choice for president. Being president has at it’s core a need to communicate well and think on your feet-–or does it?

As a psychologist, I am pained to realize how much this debate exercise plays into the decisions of voters, when it bears little resemblance to what a president really does in office. In my opinion, a president needs to do very little thinking on his feet. He should be a man who has a clear framework from which he makes decisions, but he should be thoughtful and thorough. He has 100s of people who feed him information with which to make decisions. He needs to know where he’s going, he needs to know how to ask the right questions, and he needs to be able to synthesize the results such that they bring him to a conclusion.

Watching Kerry debate reminded me of President Clinton. So smooth, so confident. He can say things that lull me into thinking he has all the answers–and the ability to solve all problems with more programs and more excellence and......until I realize he is working with an unlimited phantom budget. The nice things he says may or may not be reasonable. It doesn’t seem to matter, they just sound good. Bush doesn’t do this well. I’m glad.

I don’t know of a better way to accomplish what the debates do, pitting one against the other, but more than ever I realize that even though Bush does a comparatively poor job at it, the things I want in a president are things he possesses, for the most part.

I’ll still feel good if he nails Kerry in the next debate, but I’m not holding my breath.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 08, 2004
I really, for the life of me, do not understand why everyone says he "won" the first debate. He just made himself look like an idiot. "ummm, I have a plan.....".....silence.........

on Oct 09, 2004
We'll--I think he won because he landed more blows and blocked more shots, IMO.

From a very biased viewers perspective, I watched and felt a little embarassed that he didn't respond with better answers. I happen to know that he HAS better answers, but for whatever reason, they didn't come out. I thought he would have just knocked Kerry out with the facts of what He, Bush has done, and what Kerry has done (mostly flip flopped).

I was expecting Kerry to look more like an idiot, and I don't think he did, in spite of the fact that some of the things he said where ridiculous. That's probably what made him seem Clintonesque--he said ridiculous things and made them sound reasonable.

That's my take.


What's the last thing the redneck said?

Hey y' this!!
on Oct 09, 2004
Need some wood?

Kerry into Camera: 'I will not raise taxes...'
Kerry minute later: '...rolling back tax cuts...'

- GX
on Oct 09, 2004

I don’t know of a better way to accomplish what the debates do, pitting one against the other, but more than ever I realize that even though Bush does a comparatively poor job at it, the things I want in a president are things he possesses, for the most part.
a non-sequitur.

"Need wood?--to further damage the environment, or is it a step toward home ownership? Talk about nuances!


on Oct 09, 2004
"Need wood?--to further damage the environment, or is it a step toward home ownership? Talk about nuances!

Yeah you know how it was so funny that Kerry didn't bring up the EPA, he couldn't because if he did he would have been lieing through his teeth.

Next you will tell me the myth that recycling paper saves trees, and paper companies are deforesting the United States so we should get rid of paper companies. BOOHOO!

Truth is if the Paper Companies were not around there would be LESS trees because they PLANT alot of trees!

Plus the recycling paper is cost ineffective, causes more pollution than it is worth, and costs Taxpayers alot of money.

- GX
on Oct 14, 2004
I watched the last debate last night, and I cried. Bush needs a hug....a really big hug.

on Oct 14, 2004
If you do hug him, be careful of his electronic device! 
on Oct 16, 2004

on Oct 22, 2004
I am really sick of this campaigning crap. Even though my vote is solidly in the Bush camp, I am displeased that he stoops to these sideways jabs, such as regarding Kerry's foray into hunting yesterday. It seems so childish, and despite the fact that it works, I think he should remain above it, it so, so...non-presidential.

on Oct 22, 2004

Reply #9 By: Tractormansavestheday - 10/22/2004 9:39:17 AM
I am really sick of this campaigning crap. Even though my vote is solidly in the Bush camp, I am displeased that he stoops to these sideways jabs, such as regarding Kerry's foray into hunting yesterday. It seems so childish, and despite the fact that it works, I think he should remain above it, it so, so...non-presidential.


Tractorman, GW is not the one who said it Cheney did.


Cheney calls camouflaged Kerry's goose hunting 'October disguise'
JOHN SEEWER, Associated Press Writer

Thursday, October 21, 2004

on Oct 23, 2004
Tractorman, GW is not the one who said it Cheney did.

I heard him make a comment such as "He can run, but he can't hide.......even in camaflouge". Given that it was the day of, or the day after Kerry's hunting trip, it appeared to make little sense except in the context of that excursion. Even if he was referring to something else in this instance, my point is that even in the debates he has stooped to these petty issues and posturing.

on Oct 24, 2004

Reply #11 By: Tractormansavestheday - 10/23/2004 10:30:22 PM
Tractorman, GW is not the one who said it Cheney did.

I heard him make a comment such as "He can run, but he can't hide.......even in camaflouge". Given that it was the day of, or the day after Kerry's hunting trip, it appeared to make little sense except in the context of that excursion. Even if he was referring to something else in this instance, my point is that even in the debates he has stooped to these petty issues and posturing.


I'm NOT saying it's right, but how is what Bush said is any worse than whats coming from the democrats?
on Oct 25, 2004
I think his point is that Bush is better than that, and that's what we love about him in the first place.

on Oct 25, 2004
I'm NOT saying it's right, but how is what Bush said is any worse than whats coming from the democrats?

It's not--in fact it's not as bad, but I expect more honorable behavior out of President Bush--I guess that's what Trinite just said.

on Oct 25, 2004

Reply #14 By: Tractormansavestheday - 10/25/2004 7:40:44 PM
I'm NOT saying it's right, but how is what Bush said is any worse than whats coming from the democrats?

It's not--in fact it's not as bad, but I expect more honorable behavior out of President Bush--I guess that's what Trinite just said

Obviously ya'll ain't never had to deal with a southern sense of humor.
I wouldn't place to much of anything on Kerry's so called hunting trip/trick. It was about as phony as a 3 dollar bill!
If you get a good look at his firearm, you'll see that it's a bit pricey to take into the field! No real hunter would take an expensive firearm out in the field.
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