About a year ago my wife was reading a Novel based on the Life of Hosea out of the Bible book by the same name, I think the name of the book is “redeeming love”. It is one of those novels that puts a historical story into a more contemporary context. It was thought provoking and engaging for her, and she wanted me to read it after she had, but there was a problem. The problem was that the cover had a picture of a very beautiful feminine lady with a long flowing pinkish dress, running across a field or something. I told her in no uncertain terms that I would NOT read a book with a cover that looked like that.
I love motors. I’m not a mechanic, but I like to fiddle with things, and I can fix more things than not. I grew up riding motocross bikes and liked anything that moved with a motor–snowmobiles, field cars, tractors, etc. There’s nothing quite like the power of a tractor, big wheels to get the traction to the ground and a transmission that turns an average engine into a real mule.
I also like to rescue people–not in the unhealthy psychological sense, but in the physical sense–like when they slide off the road in winter. I have a vehicle that can tow just about anybody out of anywhere, and my wife got me a winch for Christmas 2 years ago so I could indulge myself further.
One day my wife handed me a book with a cover she had made on the computer and neatly taped over the real cover of the book. The book was Redeeming Love, but the new cover had a picture of a happy man on top of a tractor, and the new title said, “Tractor Man Saves the Day”. I read the book.
Now you know......the rest of the story.