traditional thought with a contemporary twist
Published on April 8, 2004 By Joan of Arc In Home & Family
A couple nights ago, my four year old daughter (I have 6 kids from 4 to 20) asked if I wanted to watch her do a dance. She had one of her sisters put on a song for her, and she put on a little ballerina thingy over her pajamas. It was just the two of us in the family room while she danced for me, and the pride and the emotion, and the realization that all she wanted to do was bring joy to me was almost too much to contain. I cried and smiled and enjoyed the moment as much as I have enjoyed anything this week.

I have thought about that a number of times since then, and she has mentioned it too, “do you remember when I danced for you?” I well up inside with emotion again, but it is not all about that situation anymore. I have realized that my heavenly father, my father God delights over me in the same way. The depth of feeling I have for my daughter is nothing compared to his feeling of joy over me.

This is perhaps something that only fathers will be able to relate to, and mothers to some extent. I could not have come close to understanding what I am so poorly expressing, until it blossomed in my own heart many times over as my children have grown up.

What a blessing it is to have children, and what a blessing it is to be loved by God.

on Apr 08, 2004
It's amazing how God uses little things like that to remind us how much He delights in us, isn't it? I like it when people recognize those times. )

on Apr 08, 2004
I find that difficult to relate to, but I have a feeling that when I have children of my own, that will change. Good article.

on Apr 09, 2004

I'm wiping my eyes as we joke. I read this 3 times and just bawled my eyes out. I've never encountered a daddy as wonderful as you.

Dan's told me stories too, and I just get so jealous sometimes. I've seen pictures of your daughter too, and I can picture her dance. Ah, the dance, what a wonderful art.

Your comparison to our daddy in heaven warmed my heart, and made my day. You're a blessing to me on this site.

on Apr 09, 2004
Thanks Trinitie.
