traditional thought with a contemporary twist
a voice in the wilderness
Published on October 13, 2008 By Joan of Arc In Religion

As someone who would consider themselves a follower of Christ's teachings, I am increasingly troubled as we approach the presidential election.  Rather than my fellow believers taking a positive approach to the race by stating what they are "for" in their candidate of choice,in a positive attitude of mutual respect, we seem to have picked up the sport of mudslinging along with the candidates.

This disturbs me because, if we follow Christ, we have a King who is the head of the Nation to which we have eternal citizenship.  Our alligiance to this Nation, the Kingdom of God, is primary and as its citizens we claim to aspire to the attitudes and actions demonstrated to us by our King, who died for those who despised him.

This Nation has one primary "law", love your neighber as you love yourself.

This Nation calls us Ambassadors to those who have not become citizens yet.

This Nation is one where there is no slave, no free, no male, no female, no democrat or republican.

This Nation is the ONLY nation that stands under God which is truely indivisable with liberty and justice (through Christ our Lord) for all.

This Nation and it's King are the only ones which should inspire such devotion that we would be willing to sacrifice, stand, live or die for.

This Nation clearly calls to each one of us to give our Jesus.

In this Nation, we believe, regardless of the outcome of this election in the USA that our God's plan can not be thwarted, detoured or delayed.

Therefore, let's not offer ourselves to godless chatter or foolish controversies.  Let us hold unswervingly to the faith we profess and encourage one another toward love and good deeds.  Let us vote each according to our conscience and let us demonstrate the true power of our God in unity.

by holding our tonges...........and speaking the truth in love

by keeping our heads..........and standing in faith

by folding our hands.........and loving our neighbors.......







on Oct 13, 2008

A lot of that's easier said than done.  2,000 years and Christians have become more divided than united.



on Oct 13, 2008

True true.